Twelve Reasons to Buy Virginia Timberland as an Investment – Reason Number 9

Wood Fiber in Food?

Organic pre-shredded cheese contains powdered cellulose in order to repel moisture.  Cellulose gum is used in beer production.  Purified wood pulp is used in low fat ice cream.

Obviously, none of these have so much wood fiber as to taste like wood, but as an additive, they are critical.  As more of those products are consumed, the demand for cellulose and other wood products will increase.

Remember our discussion about demographic trends here in the USA?  Add to that the expected population growth of the world from 7 Billion to 9 Billion by 2050.  More people means more food and beverages.  As a timberland investor, you benefit from that trend.

We hope that the information we are sharing will assist you in making a timberland investment.  We believe doing so will make you look brilliant over the next 10 years.  Call us, at Grant Massie Land Company, we love helping our clients look brilliant.