Land will be THE BEST Investment for the Next 40 Years – Part 2

Recently, I had the occasion to go through some records accumulated by my father.  In his financial records I found a file on his purchase of some land adjacent to his farm.  Reading those documents brought back a specific memory.

One evening in December 1964 my father, having been unusually quiet during dinner, put his fork down on his plate, turned to my mother and said, “Jayne, I’m not sure why I agreed to buy that land we closed on today.  It will never be worth $65 an acre.”

I recall that he had been teased by the men at church about his purchase because they felt he paid too much.  In 1964, $5,000 was a princely sum to pay for 80 acres out in the country.

But look at the facts… 47 years later after the value declines of the Great Recession, that 80 acre tract of land is worth 40 times what he paid for it.  Is there any other asset or investment he could have made that produced a higher rate of return over the 47 years?

We enjoy helping folks with their land investments because we understand that not all tracts of land are created equally.  Call us, we would like to help you.